Automated Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment (TARA)
AI-powered asset registration from system design images or direct import from SysML file.
Auto-prioritize risks by severity and impact
Our tool seamlessly integrates with the Automotive Threat Matrix (ATM) from Auto-ISAC and the community-driven threat catalog by ASRG. This ensures comprehensive, up-to-date threat assessment, enhancing your cybersecurity posture with industry-standard insights
Real-time Collaborative TARA creation
Enable multiple users to collaboratively develop TARA simultaneously for faster, efficient risk assessment
OpenXSAM Compatibility
Seamlessly integrates with openXSAM, allowing standardized data exchange for streamlined threat and risk analysis across systems.
Update Log
Captures all revisions in a clear log, making it easy to view and revert changes to maintain accuracy and consistency.
User Permissions Management
Enables administrators to control access levels for users, ensuring that each user can only access the functions they need.